If there is one thing I've fallen in love with....it's reading.
I can't say that growing up I was the 'reading' type of person. I would much rather go shopping, watch a movie, or flip through a fashion magazine. Well....times have changed.;)
Don't get me wrong...I still love shopping!! BUT....reading has become a wonderful past time for me. I have learned so much, and I wish I had started this hobby a long time ago.
You can leave the novels & fictional books on the shelf....that's not my cup of tea. I could care less to get lost in a fantasy world of romance, magic, or tragedy. Maybe that's what you enjoy reading, and that's great. It's nice that there are so many options out there for us to choose from, but my reading addictions consist of biographies (mostly of heroes of the faith, missionaries, great preachers, or preacher's wives) & books on marriage or child rearing.
I'm very cautious when choosing a book. As a Christian, I base my beliefs & way of thinking on the Bible....so I look for authors who base their advice that way too. There is so much liberalism saturated within the pages of many books, even among Christian authors, that you have to do some research on the author if it's not a name you recognize.
There is a lot of wisdom out there from many wonderful sources, but if I can remind myself & others that the best wisdom we'll ever find comes from the pages of Scripture itself.
As I've buried my face in over 20 books in the last year of so, my husband has lovingly & very wisely reminded me that I should never read more of my books than I do of THE book...the Word of God.
Wisdom is something I pray for every day. Most often before my feet hit the floor. I ask God to empty me of myself & fill me with his spirit...as we are by nature very selfish people, I pray every morning that God would empty me of that....to give me wisdom that day when training my children, and help me be the mommy they need me to be.
I long for wisdom from God, like a thirst that is never quenched...I want Him to fill my cup each day with wisdom, and I won't get that if I'm not in his word & on my knees.
So, to my book review. I've had several people ask me what books I recommend, so I thought I'd talk about a few of them in some future posts. The one I'm reading now my husband bought for my birthday. It's called 'I Will Carry You' by Angie Smith. It had been on my Christmas wish list too....but came at I think the most appropriate time. One of my best friends in the world lost her little baby girl just two days after she was born. Baby Maddie (pictured at top of post) was perfect & precious in every way, but God's ways are not always our ways.....and she went home to be with Jesus.
These kinds of tragedy's can not be explained. There truly are no answers to fill the ever aching questions of "Why Lord?"....but God has been faithful to our dear friends, Natalie & Rick, and he has showered them with grace. You can read of their baby Maddie here. I'm sure you will be moved with love & tears for this dear family....and I pray that it will impress you to worship the King. Maddie may have been small in size, but her impact for the Lord has been big!
She was created to bring glory to her Creator, and she is doing just that...and so are her sweet mommy & daddy. Please pray for Natalie & Rick as the are so heavy on our hearts.
The book, 'I Will Carry You' is the story of Audrey Caroline. Maybe you've heard of the blog 'Bring the Rain'...it is baby Audrey's story. Her mommy has done an amazing job at sharing it, and encouraging me to love my Savior more. You MUST read this book! If you are single, don't have children, have children, or married....doesn't matter....if you are a women, you will be touched! I've followed the blog since it was started & rereading it all in the book has still touched my heart.
Angie has a way of making the Bible come to life...you will enjoy it, I'm sure. I have one chapter to go, and part of me doesn't want to finish it yet as when I open the pages I'm drawn to the beauty of the Savior.
Those are the kind of books I look for. Books that convict me to do more for God & keep me falling in love with Jesus.
Thank you for stopping by!;)
Next book on my list to read is: "A chance to die: The life of Amy Carmichael" by Elisabeth Elliot~~~ I'm looking foward to it!;)
I love reading books,too! I just recently got that book and hope to read it this weekend while we travel to Michigan. I recently was reading "One thousand Gifts". Although I love the book and learned alot from it, I did find some theology that she used that I didn't agree with. But thats ok- I think it causes me to think and talk to Myron about what we really believe and why! Same thing with Radical by David Platt- might not agree with everything he has to say---but his book is so awesome and it will cause you to think and very convicting!!! Just thought I would share a few of my recent reads. Can't wait to read the book!
I've heard of that 'One Thousand Gifts' I'd like to read it too...you are right, of course not every book may be perfect in it's theology, but you can still usually glean a lot! Eat the meat, spit out the bones!HA! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much sweet friend for honoring our Maddie here.
Thank you also for saying such sweet things about our family. I just love you so much!
I agree on that "I will carry you" is such a wonderful book. I have read it and will be reading it again I'm sure. I'm reading "One thousand gifts" now. I don't have much feed back yet because I just started today. It is a little graphic so be advised.
I think it is neat that you said how much reading means so much more to you now. I am the same way. I love having a book in my hand now. It has become such a comfort to me. Great words here, Heidi! Love you!
Nat, I don't think what I said even scratches the surface of what could be said. You are an amazing friend & woman of God! Your blog is saturated in the beauty of Christ even when walking such a hard road. I love you, dear friend, sooo much that words fail me. You are loved & lifted up in prayer by so many. I am counting down the days when I will see you next week & hug you...I love you so much!
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